Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt with Clues Idea

Easy Valentine’s Day Scavenger Hunt

I’m not a big Valentine’s person, so naturally, I planned nothing for the day. But that doesn’t bode well for children who hold on to dear life for the next holiday. I don’t want to play into consumerism, but I do want my kiddos to feel loved and thought about.

Cats get in the way

So at the stroke of midnight, I made a simple scavenger hunt that took less than an hour and gave the kids much joy. I admit I had a lot of fun too and seeing their happy faces made it worth it. At the end of the “hunt” were a few heart-shaped chocolates.

So, if you are like me, have nothing planned for Valentine’s Day, and need a last-minute fix, here are some ideas to get you started:

I used one piece of paper and wrote out eight compliments and a related hint to help them find the next clue. I cut them out in strips and hid them in the appropriate places to help them find the next clue. Here is what I wrote:

  1. You have built so many fires this year and you’re good at it too! Use this hint to find the next clue! (I hid the next clue near the fireplace).
  2. Your love for music has been true since you were tiny! your next clue is where you take piano lessons and sit on your heinie! (The next clue was hidden in the piano bench).
  3. You love legos and your buildings are awesome! Maybe you should go check on them for your next clue… (I hid this in one of his lego buildings and I clearly ran out of rhyming energy).
  4. You love to jump on me more than I love you jumping on me. Sincerely, the couch. (I think you’re getting the idea…)
  5. You love cars and racing and car elevators too. Pay attention to the underline to find your next clue… (I hid the next clue in a race track that has an elevator that is unfortunately in the middle of our living room).
  6. You love yellow and one of mom’s plants has yellow edges on its snake-like leaves (the next clue was under our snake plant).
  7. Your drawings are SO cool! I love them so much that we keep them all in a special drawer…
  8. Final clue! You have a thing for remote control cars and a whole cabinet dedicated to them…

In the cabinet were a Happy Valentine’s Day note and five chocolates. When he opened the cabinet he said, “WOOO CANDIES!”

We made one for our eight-year-old daughter too with the same prize at the end. It was fun seeing her eyes light up with each clue and hidden in places with a description only our family would understand.

Happy Valentine’s Day all (even though I think it’s lame)! I suppose showing some love is never a lame thing to do. And if you’re single today don’t forget to treat yourself!

Hiding clues… I promise we are not pyros.

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