Tag Archives: Travel with kids

Visiting Oregon

Navigating Oregon: A Family Road Trip Guide

We took a trip over the summer to Oregon, but with the busyness of work and family, I’m just now writing about it over winter break. Hopefully this longer-than-expected write-up will serve someone in their trip planning (in addition to my fleeting memory).

 “You seem like you belong in Oregon” people told me, “You just need more tattoos.” Maybe it’s because I’m odd and nature loving? Who knows. Either way, I’ve wanted to visit Oregon, and cheap flights into Portland convinced us to make it a reality.

Our six-day trip (with a travel day on the front and back) was one of exploring rather than relaxing. I haven’t figured out how to relax yet, to the disappointment of my 10- and 12-year-old. So, take what you want and leave the rest (if you want some rest!).

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How to Fly with Two Kids and Not Pay for Checked Bags

Call us crazy, but we still fly with two kids two and under without paying for checked bags.  We live in Los Angeles and our family is in the Midwest, so we fly back several times a year and usually stay for a week or two.

When we went on our first trip with our two-year old and infant, I was a nervous wreck and kept saying to my husband “how are we going to do this!?”  Well, heavens to Betsy, we surprised me and figured it out by trial and error.  We tried two different ways, Continue reading