Category Archives: Humor

mental toll

Why are you tired? It’s the Questions.

Many days of parenting feel like I’ve only maintained life and made little progress. It’s hard to explain why I’m so tired at the end of some days. But I don’t think we give enough credit to the energy it takes to ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS. They are disparate, frequent, and complex. They come during school drop-off, while at the grocery store, and while using the bathroom. Answering them well- in a way that’s short, simple, yet nuanced enough to offer truth, can be cumbersome. Continue reading

How Not to Ski with Preschoolers

Growing up, my parents took my two siblings and me skiing most years. Being the youngest, I started early– at age three. It was no small feat since we lived in Illinois. We did it on the cheap—which involved my parents picking us up from school then driving 14 hours through the night. We would save money by not staying in a hotel and emerge from our powder blue mercury station wagon ready to ski when the slopes opened at 8 am. Oh, and we’d have meals of broccoli and summer sausage in the car to avoid stopping. The ride was fragrant.

I don’t know how my parents did it. After taking my 3-year-old skiing last January, I have a new reverence for them. Our experience went like this: Continue reading

mom thoughts, the thought record of a mom for 1 hour as she tries to decide on a preschool

A Thought Record of a Mom for 1 Hour Trying to Decide on a Preschool

An attempt to record my words and thoughts for about an hour on a normal Wednesday morning.

“No you can’t eat that cereal when you’re sick it has too much sugar”. What should I do with the kids today, should I take them to that new soccer thing? But it’s kind of expensive. But I think it could be really good for my daughter to learn some soccer skills when she’s young because what she learns now will be so much more natural later. But will she even like soccer? I don’t think she likes it. Continue reading

parenting, new parents, raising kids, dadlife, dads, fatherhood, motherhood, kids, babies, toddlers, Preschoolers

Parenting is…

Parenting is:

Feeling like you should just set up a tent at Target.

Having one child fall on their head while the other pees their pants and the doorbell rings. Continue reading

The Best Sound in the World

This Christmas, my son’s most favorite gift was a used tennis ball we found in the garage.  May we all find joy in simple things, like used tennis balls and baby giggles!  Click the link below to see the video!


What do Stay at Home Moms do all Day?

what do stay at home moms do

I used to wonder “what do stay-at-home moms do all day?” I assumed they watched cartoons, talked on the phone, and did whatever they wanted while the kids played. Part of the reason it is so hard to know what a stay-at-home parent does is because every time someone asks this question the response is so full of small things that she doesn’t know how to answer it.  Because she is CONSTANTLY Continue reading

Hygiene Confessions of a Mom

hat hair

Everyone knows that moms are crazy busy. So, we sometimes have to take a few shortcuts to make ends meet. Meaning, we need to give up taking a crap or giving a crap.

If a mom were to divulge all of her hygiene secrets they might sound something like this:

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You Know Your Life is Crazy When

I love chocolate

You are so sleep deprived that you wake up in the morning (after waking up 10 times in the night with your infant) and say this about the person six inches away from you in bed: “is that my baby or my husband? Continue reading

Jobs You Can Get After Being a Stay-at-Home Mom

If, like me, your stay-at-home mom you may have anxiety about what sort of job you would be qualified for after being out of the market for years.  My husband goes to work and learns how to manage people and complex projects while I’m at home cleaning up pee.  If only that would give me a résumé boost. Continue reading

I Hate Sick Kids

What evil person would every say they “hate sick kids”?  Me.  Now.  About my own kids, when they are sick.  It’s the worst. Continue reading