Monthly Archives: June 2014

Mother of Drool Proof!

C doing what he does best.  Drool here, drool there, drool DROOL EVERYWHERE!  Really, in the first six months of his life, he went through numerous outfits (mine included) and about 20 paper towels a day.  But, I asked the pediatrician “How do I know when my baby is spitting up too much?”
He replied, “as long as he is a happyspitter and he is gaining weight, there is no cause for concern.  It’s just annoying.”  Well, that’s good news, I guess.

spit-up spit up

mother of drool, or technically, spit-up

I Hate Sick Kids

What evil person would every say they “hate sick kids”?  Me.  Now.  About my own kids, when they are sick.  It’s the worst. Continue reading

Eating My Words about TV


Back in July of 2012 I wrote a well-intentioned post entitled Is it OK for My Baby to Watch TV?  In the post I quote the author of a book called Brain Rules for Baby that explains scientifically why TV is no good for kiddos.  After reading the book, letting my first child watch TV was almost akin to letting her drink a can of beer. The information is interesting, researched, and valid, but I now humbly admit that if watching TV is like having a beer, I have two very drunk children. Continue reading